E-waste and The Digital Divide Solved

ONE computer. That was all it took to change lives forever. This didn't start out as an idea; it started out as an ACTION. Our first computer came from a couple in an elevator. They were about to throw out a used laptop when our founder told them that he can repurpose it. That computer became the START of the Hendricks Foundation.

Want to know our founder's story? Click the button below.

Our Passionate Tech-Empowering Squad are Bridging Digital Divide World Wide. We are a team of 6 devoted staff and have had over 40 passionate volunteers assist in our mission. Through tech donations and digital literacy outreach, we empower communities lacking tech access to seize digital opportunities. Learn more about our team below.

Our Change Makers

What Is The Problem?

With over 50 million tons of recyclable e-waste per year, how is it that students still don’t have access to reliable computers? Why are kids being isolated in the midst of our digitally connected world?

Two Problems: The Digital Divide & E-Waste.

The Digital Divide

The digital divide creates stark disparities in educational opportunities for students worldwide. Those without internet access face daunting challenges in keeping pace academically, widening social inequalities. Explore the profound impacts of this global issue and discover how we can work towards more equitable solutions.

E-waste Epidemic

The growing e-waste epidemic significantly impacts our environment, with discarded electronics releasing harmful toxins into the earth. This not only threatens wildlife but also human health. Explore the issue further to understand its consequences and learn how we can reduce its harmful effects.

How do we solve it?

Recieve Devices

Your used computers, laptops and other devices can help transform lives. By donating your old but still functioning technology to our mission, you provide access and opportunity to those without. 

Refurbish Devices

With care we refresh donated computers, opening access so all can grasp technology's promise. Join our compassionate mission - give a device, spread opportunity's light.

Provide Devices To Students

We provide laptops filled with hope and opportunity to students in need, opening doors to education and empowering young minds to reach for the stars.

See the sponsors that have helped us grow into who we are now

Frequently Asked Questions

Get to know us a little better

What is our vision?

The Hendricks Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization designed to tackle the growing digital divide among our students. We can change a child’s life forever by repairing e-waste and donating it to those without proper access to digital education.

What does the Hendricks Foundation do?

The Hendricks Foundation brings digital education to students that do not have the means to acquire it. Our Primary program takes donations of new, used or broken computers. Once those computers are in our hands, we renew them and distribute them to the students who are in need of them. 

Why is the Hendricks Foundation important?

Without access to the digital world, students will fall behind in our digital age. And where ever there is an educational gap, there is room for poverty.

Who is the Hendricks Foundation helping?

The Hendricks Foundation will primarily provide computers and digital resources to students who are in school from grade 5 up to the college level.

Why did the Hendricks Foundation choose to make an impact?

At the Hendricks Foundation, we see that the world is changing. And with the changing world, the digital universe is also transforming with it. Yet some students do not have the means access to access digital education. Rather than see a problem swell and expand, we have chosen to transform the futures that we will inhabit. Every single student that receives adequate access to the digital universe, is one less educational gap in our ever-changing world.

How will the Hendricks Foundation create change?

The Hendricks Foundation will provide and facilitate means for students to gain access to digital education. We will distribute donated computers to the students who need them. We will create educational programs to teach children about the digital universe. We will help students learn how to do repairs on their machines and upon others.

What transformation will the Hendricks Foundation bring to the world?

The Hendricks Foundation will close the digital divide and facilitate virtual education for all. 

Any future plans?

As the Hendricks foundation expands, so will the programs that we offer. For now we are primarily in the United States, however. Within due time, we will bring our programs internationally.

Device Refurbishing

We fix used electronics donated by companies to extend their lifespan.

Hardware Donations
We accept computer hardware donations from companies and refurbish them for underserved communities.
Digital Literacy

We provide free digital literacy classes to help bridge the digital divide in underserved neighborhoods.

E-Waste Recycling
We properly recycle old electronics to keep toxic materials out of landfills and the environment.
Community Outreach

We do community outreach to spread digital literacy and provide computer access to those in need.

Global Impact

Our programs make a difference globally by reducing e-waste and spreading digital access.